
Tuesday, March 9, 2010


(Mephedrone produces a high stimular to Ecstasy and is being taken by children as young as eight)

PUPILS at a secondary school have taken more than 200 days off sick after using a killer party drug.

Mephedrone, sold legally as a fertiliser and known as Meow Meow, Bubble, Drone or Bounce, produces a high similar to Ecstasy and is being taken by children as young as eight. It costs as little as £4 a gram and comes in liquid, powder or crystal form.

In Leicestershire, one school has reported 180 pupils missing classes after taking the drug – the equivalent of more than two a day since December.

Headteachers are so worried they have called a crisis conference.

Consultant Martin Wiese, of Leicester Royal Infirmary, said: “There is no doubt it can kill. It over-stimulates the heart and nervous system and can cause fits, a sensation of pounding, anxiety and paranoia.”

Steve Jackson, drug liaison officer with Leicestershire Police, said: “It is seriously nasty stuff. It’s just one chemical strand away from being an illegal drug.” Mephedrone has already been linked to a number of UK deaths.

- Tom Lee .

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